Construction Signs: Effective In Promoting Workplace Safety.

As numbers regarding on-the-job accidents drop, construction site safety signs continue to be an effective way in promoting workplace safety. 

Last month Crystal Chen of Capital News Source reported a decrease of workplace deaths in Michigan. "According to MIOSHA workplace deaths declined last year from 43 to 38 in the state... many in the construction industry." Safety standards have improved greatly over the years. Much of this improvement coming from greater regulation of construction sites, increased site inspections, increased use of personal protective equipment and not surprisingly, improved use of safety signs.

Construction companies are required to warn the workers and visitors about the threats in their work area. Proper signs in the construction site can help inform the workers of the dangers. One of the most basic tools of safety are construction hazard signs. Images of the hazard should be the part of construction signs as they can be helpful to the people who do not read well or do not speak english.

The best and most concise way of relaying information is through multi-message site safety signs at the point of entry to the site. Some construction companies also repeat the use of this sign around the perimeter of the site and within it. These play a vital role in reducing the number of injuries and fatalities from construction accidents.

Capital City Reprographics offers signs specifically designed to suit construction sites. We value the importance of workers' safety. This is why we are committed to designing construction signs in compliance with MIOSHA safety standards. We engage our clients to meet their expectations and provide suggestions for improvement.

Please contact us today and we'll start working on your order immediately!