Photo Canvas Prints:

Turn Your Photos into Giclée Prints on Canvas


Our fine art canvases are hand stretched on heavy duty frames proudly made in the USA! Cap City Repro's canvas prints are guaranteed to last for you to enjoy and appreciate for years to come. 

We offer various styles including: Single Panel, Multi Panel, and Photo Canvas Collage to add a transforming modern design to your interior space.

Make Gift Giving an Art

Share your favorite digital photos in a big, beautiful way by giving canvas prints as gifts to family and friends! At Capital City Reprographics you can turn baby and family portraits, engagement and wedding photos, memorable vacation shots and much more into stunning canvas pictures that anyone would be proud to display in their homes and offices. Create a great gift today!


Select a Product:


Single Canvas Print

Display your favorite photo on a stunning custom canvas print.


Multi Canvas Print

Add depth to your walls with split-style canvases.


Canvas Collage

Transform your favorite series of photos into an original masterpiece.